Monday, April 28, 2008


You just have to love Minnesota. here it is the end of april an still snow continues to fall. But did so much have to fall..Was good thing dad got big truck with 4 wheel drive. Needed it to go see mom at hospital saturday.Mother nature can let it be spring any time now. Hopefully by the time iam back in minnesota next week the weather will be warmer..

First full day home

Mom like always up by 6. She is doing very well. Not on pain medication, she has it but not needing it. She is right back at her embrodering. Last nite she played dice with me an sheephead on yahoo. So I would say all is going well. Now she is off taking her nap. Feel free to come visit an have coffee. Have a great day love an miss you all..JUST DONT BRING NO SNOW WITH U!!

Mom home

Sunday dad an I brought mom home..A day early.. When we arrived at the hospital to visit with her she was sitting on the edge of her bed an she informed us she was going home..of course we asked if the doctor approved that cause she thought she was going home the day after her surgery also. But the nurse also informed us that Dr.Gardner sayed she was released so we made calls an packed her up an home we took her.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Glasses

I got my new glasses the day before we left for Las Vegas. Its amazing how fast your eyes get worse then what they were just 2 short years ago. hope everyone is haveing a great day.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Las Vegas saturday nite

Saturday nite we were finally out side to see the lite show on fremont street. It was awesone to see the fish swim over head an to watch the dancing ladys. The music was great.Was all of 90* today.Need less to say I LOVE THE WEATHER..

Vacation- day one

This is the view from our room . We stayed at the Four Queens downtown. It was a great hotel an in the center of the canap of lights on fremont street.Was only 78* when we arrived but much better weather then Iowa was having.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Home again

What a trip . Just home from 7 days in Las Vegas, what a great time. More details an pictures to follow in the next few days . But for now its off to bed. Love an Miss you all.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


My little sister an her family came to visit for the weekend. What fun we had. They love the piglets. Rose is getting more college education an she dont even have to pay for it.. Is always so much fun to have them here. Mini wasnt scared of the babys an always wanted to hold them..
Hopefully they will be back soon.. Rose bent an dent had lots of juice boxes this week..
Hope everyone is doing well an staying safe. Love an miss you all.