Sunday, December 28, 2008


Larry has always called Kristie "Princess" so for christmas he found these princess items for her..Not to worry she got more then this for christmas.. It was fallowed by cloths an gloves also..

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Happy Holidays to you all..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

here we go again

Snowing here again..cant figure out what mother nature is thinking...Saturday it was 40* sunny an beautiful out...then sunday it got windy as can be an now here comes the snow again....Does she think Larry an i like working alone...we were lucky last week with the snow storm we had Kristie here to help..looking like just the two of us tomorrow...I HATE WINTER..!!!


YES !!! The puzzle is finished...Rose i almost had to call you to see if you took a piece home with you...Found it on the floor...The puzzle looks great.. Now I need a board to put it on an to get the sealing glue to paste it all together...

Monday, December 15, 2008


No I do not have the puzzle done..An havent been working on it much either...LOL...for that..I didnt work on it the week Kristie was here at all...was hopeing to get it done this week befor she comes back..,More fun to visit with her an do things with her..Not looking like my tree going to get up this year.. Just not in the mood to dig it all out an put it up..Good thing Santa comes even if tree not up..I still have some shopping to i have a lot of wrapping to do...Really miss not haveing mom close by so she can do my wrapping for me...not much happeing here other then trying to stay warm ...An with all the wind we are haveing I'm waiting to be blown off this hill we live on..Love an Miss You All..

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Kristie has arrived

Kristie is here to visit(work) with us for a while ..I'm hopeing a long while. With her she has brought us more snow that i think belongs to Minnesota.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


This is the puzzle i'm working thanks to Rose Ann
i'm just over half done now the pic on the top is the actural puzzle. I am hopeing to have it all finished next saturday or sooner..

Friday, December 5, 2008


Rose Ann your puzzle is one third of the way finished ...I think you should of taken it home with you..Its very addicting . I sit down to work on it an say i will just put in a few pieces an two hours later i'm still sitting there..I hope to finish it in this next week..Will post pic's later All is well here even this we are getting a dusting of snow ever day...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I am so not impressed with mother nature.. Does she not know it should be snowing in Minnesota way before it snows in Iowa!! What is her problem??
Ginger didnt think much of the snow.She sank in it when she wet out to go potty.. Going to be a long winter here with it snowing already...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Yeah!!! We are back online again..You dont know how much you miss internet until you dont have it for a few weeks...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

24 hours

Mom has been home for about 24 hours..some hours rougher then others but in all ok. Here she is resting in the recliner.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mom is Home

She is tired an sleeping but she is home..

Saturday, November 8, 2008


We got there to see mom this morning an she told us she was tired today...Which was understandable when she went walking 6 time yesterday..Today she didnt walk as often but she came to the waiting room an played cards with us this afternoon ,after 2 games of golf she went back to bed she was very tired. That was at 4 an then we came home for the nite..Laura is busy scrubbing stains out of living room carpet. dad is playing on puter an now i am done vaccumeing so the house will be clean when mom comes home..Tomorrow we will be going back up early so we can go to church at the hospital an spend the day with mom...with any luck at all mom will Toot tomorrow so she can get some food..she is still only getting ice water an very little of that an cough drops..The doctor that came to see her today told her to chew gum cause some times it tricks ur stomach in to working..Dad seems really tired tonite so i look for him to go to bed early. Other then that all is well here.

Dumb Dog

Not only once but twice Ginger went in the box trap..Will she ever learn ??? NO I dont think so..But it was funny when Mathew came in the house to tell us the pig farm dog was in the trap..HIm an Mini couldnt wait to let her out...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Update Mom

we are just back to the farm from a day at the hospital visiting with mom..She is doing very well. They already have her up an walking not even 24 hours after surgery. she was very sleepy this morning but much more alert late in the afternoon..Just as soon as she toots she can have the tube taken out of her stomach..They removed the insulin IV drip late afternoon so tomorrow she will be moved to a regular room..So for now all looks very good..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It is now three an a half hours in surgery time. We are hopeing no news is good news, so far the only thing we have heard is that she has a lot of old scare tissue so it is going to take a little longer. Dad is holding up well...Lots of kids are here an moms sisters are all here..will post again when we know something...

Surgery Day

It is still very early here at mom an dads, everyone is still sleeping. Coffee is cooking just like every other morning here..But in a few hours the house will be a whirlwind with activity. Moms surgery is today. We have a list to check an double check to make sure it all gets to the hospital with us. Its is going to be a very long day. Watch my blog an i will up date you all as we get up dated at the hospital..I will be sending out emails also as surgery progressives..Joey was here to visit an play cards with us last nite..LOTS of cards have been played they last few days to keep mom busy..Mom is holding up better then i thought she would..She sure had to drink a lot of junk yesterday to get cleaned out . Today she gets nothing by mouth so we will have to wait an see what her blood sugar does.Dr Gardener asured us we can give her sprite if she gets to low there will be no insulin today. If you have any questions call my cell phone AFTER 7am..
For moms surgery you will need to take the A elevator to the A level. Iam thinking this will work like her last surgery where once we are at the hospital only Dad will be able to see her befor surgery. Say lots of prayers for mom an dad today they will need them all..Love an Miss you all

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Laura is comeing today in time for lunch..Linda is going to come tomorrow .Dont know how long either is going to be staying..


Tuesday Mom , Dad an I went to see the surgeon. Moms surgery will be Wed at 2 pm in St Cloud. Yes she does have cancer in her colon. It is also in her liver about 2 inche long an also a spot on her lung the size of a dime..For now they will only be fixing the colon. One thing at a time. After she is healed from this surgery she will be doing Kemo for the lung an liver. So we will be taking it all one day at a time. Helping were ever mom an dad need help. I will be here in minnesota for another week an from there i dont know how long. Larry is here with me now but will be going back to Iowa some time after surgery on wed, depending how things go. Mom looks like she is holding up well. She doesnt feel sick or like any thing is wrong. Please say lots of prayers for her an dad ..Its going to take a lot out of both of them these next couple of days an weeks to come..Love an Miss You All..John well you read this call me .Ive been trying to get a hold of you an cant.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


YES ITS SNOWING!! Mother Nature can just keep her snow.. I am so not ready for it..

Friday, October 24, 2008


OMG Ginger jumped up on larrys chair an ate his slice of pizza...LOL
I thought it was funny.. If Larry wanted it should of ate it...But no he had to run back an forth from the tv to the computer so he could do his fantasy draft for basketball...Larry learned valueable lesson dont leave food lay around or someone going to eat it on you... Can tell he only has one brother if he had lots like I have he would of learned that lesson long time ago...I just hope Ginger dont get sick from it..Have a good day everyone

Monday, October 20, 2008

Back again

We are back in Iowa again.. We had a great time celebrateing Kristies birthday...A good time was had going to bingo with mom..Dinner at Red Lobster was great...Of course we all ate way to much but it was just so good.. It is always so good to be at mom an dad..Even though dad wasnt home with us...Mom like always beat me an Larry at playing golf...Thanks mom for a great weekend..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It has been very busy here since I was in minnesota last.. We came home from minnesota an monday an left for las vegas on thursday nite. An now im getting ready to go to minnesota to store the boat for the winter.. An hopefully spend time with Kristie for her birthday..

Friday, October 3, 2008

Off to Minnesota Again!!

Yes I am off to Minnesota again this weekend.. First Larry an I are off to have the new seafood Buffet at the casino ...Nice Birthday gift from the casino...Then from there we will be leaveing for Minnesota an another weekend of fishing an hopefully going to bingo with Mom... Have to love b-day when u get to do free things that day.. We are hopeing to spend time with Kristie or at least take her to dinner one nite.. Maria dont forget to pick up your tomatoe juice at grandma Nistlers. Love an Miss You All !!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Damn Deer

guess we dont have enough excitement here. I went to town to pick up pizza for supper an on the way home I hit a deer.. I seen it on the side of the road so i wasnt going very fast when i hit it.. But damn it didnt die so i didnt get to take it home with me. Not much damage to truck . I had to show the sherriff where it hit.. So that was enought excitement now for a while!! Maria Ginger is fine.. she didnt like falling off the seat but she is ok...Maybe she will not want to go in the truck for a ride everytime the truck goes some where....Hope everyone is good. Love an Miss you all

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back from Minnesota

Lots of fun was had in Minnesota again.. We didnt get there until late friday afternoon.
Lucky for us Kristie called to say she was going to dinner at MT Plates befor she came to meet us at Shortys ..Larry an I didnt have dinner yet so we went to meet her. Was nice to have some time alone with her.. We took Mom to dinner with Kristie an larry an I on saturday nite. Was very nice to have mom out with us ..She dont always need to be cooking..Fishing was good. Samatha come fishing with us on saturday morning..She is a great little fisher girl..She is so much fun to have around..Sunday at noon my brother John an his wife Pam came to visit Minnesota for 10 days ..Mom an Dad will be very busy with them for the next week.. All in all it was a great time in Minnesota again..Have to love going home..Thanks mom for the twisty's an raspberry jellys..

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


we now have had Ginger for a few weeks . First she was a little scared here on the farm.. But now is runs all over the place.. She loves helping in the garden !! Rolling in the dirt. LOL

Her favorite exercise is running after the lawn mower.. As you can see Maria Ginger is doing well..

Monday, September 1, 2008

Amari with piggy

Yes Amari loves the baby piggys an it didnt take him long to learn how to ask how to go see babys..He was not scared at all ,which made taking him to see the babys so easy. He wanted to crawl in the crate with the mommys an babys . An dad yes even Maria came in the barn..The smell didnt hurt her any at all...

Addition to my family

Maria , Kevin an Amari came for the weekend to visit. Was so good to see them an have lots of time to play with Amari. Larry has always wanted a dog so today in were lucky enough to get Giinger from Maria's family.. We love her already she is so well behaved.

Maria how many times a day do i need to feed her so she dont get to fat..Here she is watching larry with the hope of getting some of his hamburger ...LOL...but that didnt happen no table food for her..THANKS MARIA AN KEVIN!!

Monday, August 11, 2008


This little guy belongs to my Sister Laura..She had him at mom an dads over the weekend..He is so tiny that you can carry him in your pocket..

Lake Koronis

Saturday was a good day of fishing.. Here is proof that the sherriff is out checking boats like always on saturday morning. the only thing the sherriff cares about is that your boat is licensed..they never come talk to youl. If the sherriff isnt there then the DNR is..Larry got a nice big northern again..

Friday, August 8, 2008

Back to Minnesota again

We are back at mom an dads again today..They are not back from the cabin yet but dad said they were comeing home today. We went fishing at noon an were rained off the lake by 4. An dad says it dont rain in minnesota .. He should be happy when he gets home cause its still raining at its almost 8 pm.. we only caught one walleye that wasnt to big so Larry put the fish back in the lake . hope all is well with everyone..Hopefully pics of fish tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Dennis an the kids came down to visit the pigs..Little did they know that I would put them to work...I missed taking the picture of Dennis when i had him cut the pigs first tail off..Lucky me he didnt pass out..Samatha an Mathew did so well picking up pigs an handing them to is always so good to have them visit...Where is Rose??? Like always off watching the new pigs being born...Love an miss you all

Rose visit

here we are just hanging out..Poor Mathew was trying to wake up an he looked so lost..

Fish hatchery 2

Rose an Dennis an family were here visiting an we went to see the fish. Its so much fun to watch how excited they get feeding the fish.

Fish hatchery

The fish hatchery was just as beautiful as ever. The flowers were in full bloom
We first went walking down to the stream befor we actually went to see the hatchery.It is so nice an peacefully here

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Saturday nite we had a bon fire at mom an dads,
They got a surpise when they got home from the anniversay party..But like always there were happy to see every one there..Agood time was had by an miss you all


A good time was had at shortys. We went to town to have the famous one beer.. After about two hours we only then thought of going back to the farm..It was good to be out with my Sister Lisa..That girl needs to get out more an have fun...


This little guy is John . He is staying with us for a few weeks while his parents are gone. He has never gone fishing . It was an experence for him an us on friday. He didnt like fishing at all.Way to boring for him..Saturday we left him with my dad at the house. I am finding out he is a very p icky eater an dont like much of any thing.. He is always bored or what we are doing is boring.. He will be very happy when his parents are back home.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Larrys Birthday

Larrys birthday was a lot of fun.
60 candles are a lot for any cake to hold.
Didnt need no light with them all burning.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Farm Life

Life on the farm has been busy. Lots of new babys to care for. Finally got a bunch of new colored babys.They are so cute when they are small..But then they get big an so ugly..
Hopefully I will be doing better at posting now .. that i am caught up again..Saturday i'm planning a birthday party for larry who was 60 In june... will be fun to have a house full of friends to play wii an xbox360 with..Hope everyone is doing well..Love an miss you all..

Samatha Fishing

We took Samatha trolling with us a few times before we left with her to Iowa..she did a great job. Even though she would rather fish for sunfish . Trolling the fish bite to slow for her..Great Job Samatha !!!

County Fair

Samatha came to stay with us in Iowa for a few days in June..she picked the perfect week to come visit . It was county fair time.. She didnt care for the grandstand rock music concert. She thought the country music concert was good.. On sunday we went to the car races but first she road rides..An yes Rose first she road with a nother girl an then i let her ride this ride alone ..LOL oh yes the first day of the fair she did the sheep ride part of the rodeo an that little lady took FIRST...Way to go Samatha!!