Sunday, September 28, 2008

Damn Deer

guess we dont have enough excitement here. I went to town to pick up pizza for supper an on the way home I hit a deer.. I seen it on the side of the road so i wasnt going very fast when i hit it.. But damn it didnt die so i didnt get to take it home with me. Not much damage to truck . I had to show the sherriff where it hit.. So that was enought excitement now for a while!! Maria Ginger is fine.. she didnt like falling off the seat but she is ok...Maybe she will not want to go in the truck for a ride everytime the truck goes some where....Hope everyone is good. Love an Miss you all

1 comment:

Maria said...

Glad you're OK. ginger and the truck too. I doubt it will slow Ginger down. She likes to go places and do things. Damned deer should have gotten out of the way!